Friday 15 April 2011

So you think you're the next Gordon Ramsey?

Food is pretty vital and it always has been. Cooking may look easy but let's face it, all you have done for 18 year's is eat what your Mum has made. Now YOU try replicating her world famous Shepard's Pie. As a result I thought I would give some basic DO's and DON'Ts to survive the upcoming semester.


* Padlock your cupboards - otherwise say goodbye to everything from mug's to your Vimto.
* Buy Pasta and Rice in bulk. Say goodbye to steak, this is your new diet.
* Try to guilt trip your new flat mates that you will more likely burn the flat down then boil an egg, then they will cook for you. (Hooray)
* Search for the nearest Take away and get friendly with them, it's survival of the fittest and you want large portions!
* Keep all alcohol under your bed - away from the opportunists
*Offer bribe's when there is a kitchen inspection


* Put metal in the microwave (like my ex flat mates, it makes things go BANG)
* Respect the cooker (Despite how desperate/drunk you are, don't urinate or be sick in the oven- true story)
* Don't try and Facebook and cook at the same time, your laptop will not come out on top
*Get caught when stealing ingredients or flat mates Ben & Jerrys.

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